
Ghost Town Hoedown mix

  Volume I (for I maintain the hubris to believe there will be at least one subsequent volume) of Ghost Town Hoedown , features about an hour's worth of country and western music. It includes other tangentially related tunes that could be sub-classified into other genres, but, for the most part, work with the theme. This compilation was sourced entirely from 45s and 78s in my personal collection, and as such, may not always present the greatest audio quality. I think the George Morgan track is the worst of the bunch, but what can you expect from a 78 with more scuffs than a gym floor.  Below are the songs in the order they are presented in the program, with what information I have to include with each track. Thanks for listening and enjoy! 1. Tommy Tucker "Miller's Cave" Released in 1960, this track is the b-side to a song titled "The Stranger", which would have worked well for this compilation as well. I particularly enjoy the harmonizing provided by the ba